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The 2020 Presidential Debates

Presidential elections are watched nationwide by millions of voters. In turn, they are crucial to learn the candidates opinions and criticism of each other's platforms. Debates display the candidates’ views on pre-chosen issues. There is no right or wrong answer during debates, only their own and the public opinion. Since the age of TV and social media arose, news channels, commentators, and the public publishes live opinions on debates before it is even over!

Presidential debate structure varies, but for the 2020 election it consists of three live debates with the two candidates and one moderator. Each debate is 90-minutes and further divided into six 15-minute segments where 6 topics are discussed and debated.

For the 2020 presidential debate, Donald J. Trump and Joseph R. Biden Jr. will debate political records, Supreme Court, coronavirus, economy, race and city violence, and integrity of the election. Chosen by the moderator, Mr. Wallace, these are subject to change as they progress into the two other debates. Candidates have two uninterrupted minutes to answer a question asked to them, and the time remaining is for criticism, debate, and rebuttals.

The presidential debates can become quite chaotic and the viewers need time to process the discussion. Often, candidates go off-topic and never answer the question. During this election, a lot of interrupting and irrelevant topics have been touched upon. The public needs to be able to filter through and find their reply on the topic. While the media often have mounds of resources and summarized versions of the debate, these can and mostly likely are biased. Again, presidential debates are all about perception of the public.

Presidential debates are important to understand the candidates platform, and even how they handle and criticize their opponent. A live debate is more appealing to the public then reading the candidates' platforms on their website or reading about the debate from a newspaper the next day.

Mr. Trump, current U.S.A president, is running for his second term in office. His main accomplishment during his presidency has been a tax cut benefiting corporations and wealthy investors. He’s undone Obama administration healthcare, environmental protection, and immigrantion. Previously impeached by the House but absolved by the Senate. His main issues in his 2020 campaign are restrictions on immigration and the building of a wall at the Mexico-U.S border, renegotiating international trade deals, and withdrawing American troops from overseas. Though Trump has loyal supporters, his approval ratings are low.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee and former Vice president under the Obama administration, has run for president twice before. His platform issues include bringing America back to the global stage, a public option to the Affordable Care Act, and protecting low-income workers. With COVID-19, he has focused on controlling it. Biden has seen satisfactory approval ratings among adults, while adolescents have popularized #SettleforBiden.

The 2020 presidential candidate debates are on September 29, October 15, and October 22. A single vice presidential candidate debate will take place October 7, in between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris. 

The presidential candidate debates and vice presidential candidate debates give us insight on candidates issues, rebuttals, debating skills, and reaction on live TV.



Written by Camila Amaya from Woodbridge, Virginia


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